Rock en Water Costa Rica

On May 17, 18 and 19, twenty refugees followed a three-day Rock and Water basic training supplemented with information and exercises from the RW Trauma and Grief Training. The training was given by Freerk Ykema and Rebeca Pauwels.

The participants included journalists, psychologists, management of assistance organizations, a pediatrician and others.

The training was organized by the Belgian human rights organization RIDHE, with whom the Rock and Water Institute has entered into a partnership. Both, short and long term goals are discussed and pursued. In this context, discussions are being held with organizations from embassies to ministerial level.

In Latin America, millions of people are on the run, for economic, political, and environmental reasons, all have had to deal with traumatic experiences and have a strong need for (lost) autonomy and connection. The RW program provides this in a unique, very effective way.

These were three very intensive, eventful days with plenty of room for moments of reflection and exchange. The evaluation after the training started with the joint singing of songs. Every participant felt enormously strengthened and connected to the group on a deep level. The general wish was expressed that every child, young person and adult (every citizen) in the region would be able to receive Rock and Water training.

RIDHE: International Network of Human Rights Europe – RIDHE is een netwerk van Europese en Latijns-Amerikaanse organisaties die pleiten voor integraal respect voor de mensenrechten, positieve vrede bevorderen en eerlijke en ondersteunende sociale, economische en milieurelaties bevorderen door middel van pleitbezorging, bemiddeling en dialoog met verschillende instellingen.

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