All Rock and Water materials listed below are available in both Dutch and English and can be ordered at [email protected]. Please include your shipping and billing address in your email.
Materials 3-day basic training
Rock and Water 3-day manual
This manual takes the trainer by the hand and guides them through the entire program. The book includes new exercises and games and is described in 24 90-minute lessons and in 48 50-minute lessons. The book also includes two student contracts with specific learning objectives to promote motivation. Fully revised 18th edition 2023. Published in-house.
The book is part of the 3-day Rock and Water basic training and is for that reason not sold separately.
Author: Freerk Ykema

The manual (the latest edition) is also available in English, Spanish and Turkish (Cost: €60 excluding shipping).
The German, French, and Indonesian books are also available, though with the contents of an older printing. The cost for these books is €30, including VAT, excluding shipping.
Student journals part 1 and 2
The new manual is supported by specially developed student journals. Part 1 contains the first 15 summaries with matching questions and assignments belonging to the basic program (the first 15 topic lessons of the new 3-day manual). The student journal part 1 is suitable for young people from +- 10 years old.
The student journal part 2 is a continuation of part 1. It contains the last 9 summaries (chapters 16 to 24) with matching questions and assignments belonging to the basic program (the last 9 theme lessons of the new manual). The student journal part 2 is suitable for young people from +- 13 years old (Secondary education).
Working with the journals focuses the student’s attention even more on their own learning and transfer to their daily lives. The updated manual along with the student journals can provide tremendous quality improvement and are an important support for the Rock and Water trainer.
The full-color journals are supported by fun illustrations designed especially for this booklet. Authors: Jelline Ykema – van Eldik and Freerk Ykema. Illustrations: Esther Verhamme.
The student booklets part 1 and 2 can be ordered separately for €3.20 each (minimum print run of 25 copies). You can also choose to order 80 copies, the cost will be €220 in total. Cost does not include any shipping costs.
Rock and Water USB flash drive
On this updated USB flash drive you will find, among other things, new and old scenes, two instructional videos with exercises (in pairs or in groups) and further information that will be shared after the 3-day basic training. The scenes deal with a variety of primary or secondary school topics and are accompanied by a set of classroom questions.
Cost: € 65 (including shipping).
Materials Rock and Water Primary School Training
Rock and Water Primary School Book
This beautiful book (bound, hard cover, full color, many photos, 300 pages) contains fully written lesson plans for each group, from group 1 through 6 of the primary school (age 4 to 9) and the manual following the 3-day basic training seamlessly connects to this new book (with lesson plans from group 7). The book describes the complete social-emotional development of the Primary School child with related specific developmental tasks and Rock & Water exercises. A must have for every group teacher and Rots & Water trainer working in Primary Education.
The book is part of the 2-day training course of the same name and for that reason is not sold separately. Authors: Nick van Deudekom, Freerk Ykema
Authors: Nick van Deudekom, Freerk Ykema
EDIT (One-Day Introduction Training) materials.
Social Competence training for primary and junior high schools. This startermanual is part of the One Day Introduction Training (EDIT) as presented by the Advanced Rock en Water trainers, under the auspices of the Rock en Water Institute, to schools (primary and secondary education) in the Netherlands and abroad and gives a good first impression of the Rock en Water program and exercises.
This book is not sold separately.
Cost: €32.50 (excluding shipping)
Material specialization Rock and Water and Autism Spectrum Disorders
This book contains a wealth of advice and information for the certified Rock & Water trainer, parent, counselor, psychologist, etc. working with children with autism spectrum disorders. After a brief introduction and conceptualization, the relevance of Rock and Water for children with ASD is explained. The book is part of the 2-day training course of the same title and for that reason is not sold separately. This book is not sold separately.
Cost € 45 (excluding shipping)
Authors: Marc Boas, Theo Kamevaar, Freerk Ykema
Material specialization Rock and Water Focus on Girls and Women
This book contains a ten-lesson plan that can be used for girls (secondary school) and women. In addition to a brief theoretical explanation, it contains many exercises and advice supported by photographs. The book is part of the 2-day training course with the same title and for that reason is not sold separately.
Cost € 30 (excluding shipping)
Authors: Linda Geraeds & Freerk Ykema
Material specialization Rock and Water and psychosocial trauma
This book contains the basic skills and concepts of the Rock & Water program related to the specific developmental challenges of children and adolescents who have (had) trauma and/or associated loss experience (grief) in their lives.
The book is part of the 2-day training course with the same title and for that reason is not sold separately.
Cost: €40 (excluding shipping).
Authors: Tim Brenton, Harriëtte Modderman and Freerk Ykema
Material specialization Rock and Water and children/youth with physical disabilities
This book contains background information on living with a physical disability, the application of Rock and Water in general and specifically for this target group. Further, the book lists a variety of exercises and adaptations for this target group using the themes of the regular Rock and Water program
The book is part of the 1-day training course with the same title and for that reason is not sold separately.
Cost: €65 (excluding shipping).
Authors: Jordy Heinsdijk and Freerk Ykema